What Are You Wired For?

God has gifted every one of us with certain traits, talents, and desires. We have a responsibility to use that wiring for God’s pleasure.

But I’ve come to realize that one reason God may have wired me certain ways is to give me the opportunity to worship Him by doing the hard things that go against my natural wiring.

Here’s an example: I’m an introvert. I’m energized by solitude. God made me that way and I don’t expect or desire for that to change (despite living in a culture that tends to place higher value on extrovert characteristics). But rather than using that wiring as an excuse for not doing things I don’t want to do, I’m learning to do God-honoring things that aren’t natural for me because I believe God is pleased with my hard work for His glory. Introverts aren’t exempt from the many scriptures that tell us how to interact with one another, to proclaim the wonders of God’s work in our lives, or to share our faith with others. It may be harder work for us, but our disciplined obedience glorifies God more than the same acts would if we could do them effortlessly. The same rule applies to extroverts who may need disciplined obedience to learn to value waiting in solitude and silence as scripture teaches.

I always thought it would be a great blessing if I were to sit down at a piano and have God miraculously give me the ability to worship Him without me spending years practicing and developing the skills. But I realize that would be an example of God blessing me — the long hours of disciplined hard work I would have to spend to develop those skills to worship Him would be my blessing to God, i.e, an act of worship.

So by all means, we should use the way God has wired us to glorify Him. But our specific wiring isn’t an excuse to not do what doesn’t come easily. It provides an even greater opportunity to glorify Him as we do the hard stuff.

2 thoughts on “What Are You Wired For?

  1. Nailed it! We all have motivational orientations that are accompanied by behaviors we believe satisfy those concerns and motivations. We can learn to ‘borrow’ behaviors that we might believe are less like us, especially when we can connect that ‘borrowing’ to our core motivations — what we’re really seeking. Someone who tends to be ‘reserved’ can borrow the behavior of being more ‘sociable’; Someone who tends to operate on ‘principles’ can borrow the behavior of being more ‘open to change’; Someone who tends to be ‘quick to act’ can borrow the behavior of being more ‘analytical’. Not only does this grow the depth of our ability to serve and worship but it dramatically — check that, transformationally, increases our ability to have more fulfilling and productive, God-honoring relationships in every venue of our lives.


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